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A Christmas Message to American Law Enforcement

To American Law Enforcement: Christmas teaches that the most modest among us can make a difference. Like so many other holidays, thousands of cops who embody this are away from loved ones protecting the public from crime and disorder. I too have stood on a foot post, answered 911 calls, and been away from family on holidays. Know your service is appreciated.

General George S. Patton once said:“Accept challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”

The Profession we love has never been more challenging. It’s your commitment that will help lead us through these unprecedented times. Each of you is part of something larger than yourself, living a life of significance. Whether you have one year on the Job or 25, the day you proudly swore your oath is always close to your heart. Let this be your inspiration. Thank you for choosing to serve our communities, and for being the future of policing. I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas.

Cops Count - Police Matter Sincerely, Bill Bratton

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